There are several ways to get your results.

You can collect them from us yourself (bring your e-card), we can send them to you by post, or we can send you an email notification that your results are available for download.

1. Download results (BefundPost)
BefundPost is an electronic system which we use to transmit results to (and answer online results requests by) patients and doctors. The system is subject to strict security rules, is protected by a password login procedure and is encrypted to prevent third parties gaining access to it. We therefore give you the option of obtaining digital access to your results quickly using your PC, Tablet or Smartphone right after they have been checked and approved by our specialist doctors.

2. Collect your results
If you prefer, you can have your results kept at the reception of IHR LABOR 1100. Please take an official ID document and your e-card with you and present them when you collect your results. This prevents unauthorised parties from getting hold of your results.

Identification using valid official photo ID is mandatory when taking samples and collecting results for tests ordered by state authorities or businesses (CDT, HIV, TPHA, hepatitis B and C) or as part of urine drug screening. It is possible to have results collected by a member of your family; this person will need to present a written power of attorney signed by you as well as their own ID.

3. Have your results sent to you
If you prefer, we can send you your results by post. Please provide your postal address at reception when you register for giving your blood sample. The doctor referring/treating you will of course receive the results aswell via the channel of his/her choice. It is also possible to have your results forwarded to other doctors or hospital outpatient departments – you just need to provide a declaration of consent.

Downloading results online.

Quick and efficient.



It’s easy:

Please register at reception for the digital download of your results via BefundPost when you visit IHR LABOR 1100. You just have to provide your email address and sign a declaration of consent.

Collection notification
As soon as your results are available, you will get an email notifying you that they can be downloaded from ihrlabor.befundpost.at. If you do not receive any email notification within a couple of days, please also check your spam/junkmail folder.

To log in for the first time, enter the username we send you via email and your social insurance number as the password. After you have logged in, you will be asked to change this password (your social insurance number) to your own personal password and log in again using the new password. Each time you log in after this, enter the username assigned to you and the new password you have selected.

Download results
After logging in and accepting the general terms and conditions of BefundPost, you can download and save results as a pdf file. You can also access all results of tests you have done in the future from IHR LABOR 1100 in this way. After downloading the results, you can also choose to have them permanently erased.

Note down your access data
Don’t forget to note down your username and the password you have chosen. Tip: You will get an information sheet when you register for BefundPost at the reception of IHR LABOR 1100; this sheet will help you to log in and download your results using the BefundPost system. This sheet also has a card printed on it where you can enter the username sent to you by email and the password you have chosen. You should then file the card with your other documents and results.

The BefundPost team are available to answer your questions about BefundPost under support@befundpost.at.

Frequently asked questions

about BefundPost

1. What can I do if I have problems logging in or downloading results, or if I have forgotten the username assigned to me?
No problem, you can get technical assistance from our partner and page operator of BefundPost under befundpost.at.

2. What browser can I use to download results?
BefundPost supports all current versions of the most common browsers on Windows, MacOS and Linux. Mozilla Firefox from version 3.0, Safari from version 4.0; Internet Explorer from version 7; Chrome from version 5.0; Opera from version 11.0.

3. How long are my results available for?
You results remain available for download for as long as you like – as long as you don’t actively delete them after downloading.

4. If there is information missing from my results, how can I find it?
If any data is missing from the results, please contact IHR LABOR 1100 directly to clarify.

5. Who has access to my data?
Your data belongs to you alone. No one else has access to it. Your data is neither evaluated, nor passed on to third parties.

6. Why can’t I have results sent to me by email?
For data protection reasons stipulated by the Austrian legislator, it is not permitted to send results via email. They may only be downloaded actively by you using the BefundPost system.

Results produced by partner laboratories can only be sent by post or collected in person.